Friday 28 February 2014

The Finale

One of the Galahs enjoying a feed
It's Sunday and the weekend was only half over. Many of us took time out to enjoy the warm weather and the local scenic delights.  Each morning I had been enjoying a walk with whoever was eager to explore the neighbourhood.  We discovered the bush sanctuary of the ringtail possums, even better views of the estuary, picture postcard gum tree flowers and other native gems.  We stumbled across 'Gone with the Wind' style mansions with the estuary part of their backyard! We had a surprise visit from a possum on Saturday evening after our seafood barbeque. He climbed down a tree which touches the deck, but he chose to stay in his tree.

A visit from a Ringtail Possum
Merv and I stayed in our holiday home, enjoying the views plus the peace and tranquillity of the area.  Dustin and Mel visited the local markets before lunching at the local chinese. Others visited friends and splurged at the markets and local shops. In the afternoon while most of the family were still away I delighted in a bubble bath complete with a glass of wine and Tim Tams! At home our bath was removed and replaced with an extra toilet and disability walk in shower when  we renovated in 2012.  Today it was pure bliss just to relax in the bath.
Little sister invited us all to her home only eight kms away.  We were treated to afternoon tea plus a display of Galahs (pink cockatoos) dancing and shrieking for seed on the patio where we relaxed.
The next day we packed, we cleaned, we tidied and went our separate ways. We hugged and hoped we will do this all over again. Everyone agreed it has been a magical 50th anniversary.

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