Tuesday 18 February 2014

Activities Galore

main banner image for purpose of user interestI like what is happening at Mel's place.  A new manager has been appointed and most of the staff have stayed on.  Mel told me about a new timetable of activities which has recently been initiated for all the residents.  Like a lot of new inspirations it is taking a little encouragement for many to join in.  There are a lot of pluses; all the activities are free, they get people off their couches, they create friendship and bonding.

Mel rang after she had played badminton this afternoon.  She was a bubble of energy and prattled on about playing badminton with people she knows from another organisation.  Many of them she had lost contact with.  Mel was the only person listed for the cooking class later today and therefore it was cancelled.  I suggested Mel encourage her friends to sign up for next week.  I imagine it would be a whole lot of fun and good eating afterwards.

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