Sunday 7 July 2013

To Trim or to Butcher Big Hairy Bush?

I am watching the Wimbledon Men's Final and running around still finishing the work for the day.  I hope the best player on the day wins, this year I don't have a favourite.
The sun was warm in Perth today,  the weather otherwise only 16 degrees.  The bedside clock I put outside to keep an eye on the time while I attacked the garden said it was 30 degrees in the sun.  It was healing energy to my body.  On Friday I had attacked the garden beds, digging for 3 hours to eradicate the weeks.  Today I pruned.  I tidied up the many bushes, snipping here and snipping there.  Really I have no idea what I am doing, just pretending!  I was left with the big hairy bush which has been there for longer than we have lived here for 27 years.  In its previous life it has been pruned and shaped and shaped and pruned but over the last few years mainly just pruned and cursed at...  Today it got what it deserved - a number 1 haircut, cut back to its spindly branches and all its lovely frilly greenery butchered.
I was left with the patio area strewn with the hapless branches - more work.  Then my aching arms were given a rest and my mind took over.  How often will I need to trim this hairy bush to keep it under the control? It is a weight upon my shoulders.  Suddenly I experience a light bulb moment - what if the hairy bush was no more?  No more pruning, no more shaping, no more butchering, no more sadistic thoughts of its demise?  Done I said to myself.  Tomorrow I start the, "dig the hairy bush out of the ground project." It has rather a thick trunk and is as tall as me (I am short), just like Rome it wont be finished in a day it may even take a month but where there is a will there is a way.
Then I started thinking again. If I can get rid of big hairy bush what else can I get rid of to make my life less busy and more time for Merv and Mel?  I thought about what I do differently now compared to even 6 months ago.  Retiring from paid work was the big one but I will start to put in action other things I can change to make life easier for me.  I am challenged to see what changes I will make and how I will implicate them.

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