Tuesday 30 July 2013

Open House

More than three years ago I would rush off to work and promise to pick up and clean up when I got home.  It didn't matter that the dishes weren't stacked in the dishwasher, the clean washing not folded and put away and the bed unmade.  It was never a problem because there was no one except us to see the mess.  Three years ago all of that changed!
When Merv became too ill to stay at home by himself I changed my hours from full time to three days a week and we arranged for support workers to share his day with him.
Overnight the beds were made, the dishes stacked,  the clean washing sorted and the ironing put away.  The kitchen was immaculate and Merv's lunch and snacks already for him in the fridge.  I was exhausted, but my house was presentable.
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the occasional Tuesday it's always the same; planning ahead, rushing around and getting the clean up done.  It is nice to have a representable house which keeps me on my toes, but our house is no longer our own.  It is open house to support workers, community care assessors, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and a variety of other professions who assist Merv in his HD journey.  I am glad there are professionals and helpers in our journey but I would love to be just my own 'not so tidy'  self whenever I want.

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