Friday 5 July 2013

Gold Star Treatment

It  wasn't so long ago I listened to a previous work colleague of mine telling me how well her children were doing.  They were straight A students attending university, training to be an engineer,  marine biologist and doctor.  Whatever they touched turned to gold.  Not only were they hard working students they were gifted in music and sports. My colleague was very proud of them and I was happy for them. 
My kids didn't go to uni and their gifting's were not so black and white!  My kids have many good attributes, they are good people who enjoy active social lives and work well with others.  I am proud of them. 
Life is full of challenges and choices.  Mel is trying hard to lose weight and has joined Weight Watchers.  In 4 months she has lost 5 kgs, which of course is fabulous. Mel still has 20-30 kgs to lose, it is hard work.  Mel's weight fluctuates from one week to the next but gradually she is losing the weight.  She is tempted by food her friends are indulging in and what she sees and smells in takeaway places, shops and even her own kitchen. 
Today she went to Weight Watchers and found she had put on 0.5kg, she wasn't so disappointed but I was.  She had been given a snakey ladder drawn on an A4 sheet of paper on her previous WW meeting to track her weight loss at each 100g.  I had hoped she would stick on her first gold star today on the loss of 100g but no such luck. 
Why is it we want our kids to win and win every time?  When they fail to meet a target we not only blame them we blame ourselves.  A deep breath and a 30 minute walk later we discussed what can be done to keep her on track with her weight goal.  I know it's an ongoing battle and there will be times she will fail more times than she will lose weight, but that is life.  Real life  and I have to let her do it her way. 
I met my work colleague in the supermarket recently.  She told me her daughter after getting her engineering degree decided to be a violinist in an orchestra, which is nice.  Her second daughter's marriage fell apart and she has now returned home to live.  Her son is doing well.  Nothing is perfect forever. 

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