Saturday 13 July 2013

How Money Impacts Us

Merv and I met early in 1976.  We had never met before, but our family stories share a parallel.  Both our families are working class.  My father was a plasterer and his father was firstly a French polisher and later a factory worker.  Merv has 2 sisters and 1 brother, I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers, not a big difference.  My family were 10pound poms and his 3rd generation Australian.  Definitely different histories there.
Merv's parents bought a war service home south of Perth in the 1950's and later bought a modern duplex in a suburb close by.  My family lived in South Australia and moved to WA in 1969.  I can remember moving 5 times before I left home at 18 and there were always money issues.  Yes more differences. 
Then the parallels come together as one, both set of parents ended up treading the very same path.
Cutting a long story short both our parents had a house each and through a series of circumstances and possibly not always good decisions both parents were left renting with no 'nest egg' to rely on.

When our children were young, my older sister said she wanted only to be able to retire in her own little cottage somewhere.  This has stayed with me; to be able to own a bit of real estate and not have to worry about rent or mortgage.
Only in recent years has this become a possibility.  I am not always good with money and I wish I was more disciplined, but we were blessed when Merv's disability insurance and super came through in 2011.
I stood holding the cheque which was about to change our lives.  I said to Merv, "Ferrari or mortgage?" It never really was a question.  I had the discharge forms printed, filled in and posted that very same day.  When I retired this year I paid off my credit card and for the first time in our married life we have been debt free.  It is an amazing feeling, but I know I am blessed and I am very grateful.
I often think of fellow carers and pensioners who continue to pay rent or ongoing mortgage repayments and the hardship it impacts upon them and limits their savings ability.  It can happen to anyone, it happened to our parents.  I hope I have the opportunity to help others as we have been helped.

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