Saturday 6 July 2013

The Prodigal Son Returns

My boy Dustin flew home from Sydney today and we picked him up from the airport.  He hadn't been away for a year or a month, just a week.  He attended Hillsong Convention, an annual Christian event with a mate of his. He had a great time at the convention not just enjoying the program but rubbing shoulders with fellow Christians and networking with others who run single and social groups.  Dustin is a blokey socialite.  He enjoys hanging out with the blokes, with the girls, yes everyone.  He is currently helping to run a social singles group.  There is emailing, facebooking, texting, planning, booking, delegating and making sure the event runs smoothly.  Afterwards there is feedback and smoothing out the wrinkles and more planning for the next event.  He does it well.
Dustin is a good kid, when Merv became ill in 2010 he was there ready to help in whichever way he was asked.  He spends time with his Dad, taking him to the movies,  watching the Eagles win (or lose) or enjoying a DVD together.  If I have a planned event in the evening or during the weekend I am told to book him ahead and he will book us in!  I have been able to go to dinners, afternoon teas, shopping ventures, time with Mel, creative writing classes and so on.  He has been a god-send.
I don't know what I will do without him.  Today his plane came in at 4pm and by the time we dropped off his mate and returned home it was 5:30pm.  Time for coffee and turn on the TV to watch the footy match.  He had said he would stay for dinner and I made his favourite Shepherds Pie and Fruit Crumble and custard for dessert.  The dinner discussion circumferenced a variety of topics including the convention and Sydney. Then there was the bombshell. "I am thinking of moving to Sydney," he casually commented.  I don't want him to go, but I know it would be good for him.  Deep breath, we will see what the future brings.

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