Tuesday 24 April 2018

What Time?

A lot of my friends said, "What will you do with all the extra time you have now Merv is in care?"  It's a lot like the person who retires because they have no time for themselves outside their work, but they just get busier in retirement doing everything else!
I thought I may have extra time and in many ways I do.  I now walk with my sister before the sunrises a few mornings a week to help in our fitness journey.  I attend the local gardening club and a ladies do it yourself meeting once a month.
Yes I do things which before I didn't have the time or I was just unavailable at the time these things happened.  I no longer have to rush home because it's almost time for the support worker to go home.  Yes that is freedom.
On the other hand I visit Merv everyday because he is unable to do even the basic things for himself. Things as simple as turning on his TV and selecting a suitable channel.  Last week we had Foxtel Sport connected in his room.  Whether it's me or a staff member someone has to turn it on.
Some days I arrive and he's staring at a blank screen or he's wearing a short sleeve T shirt when he needs something warmer.  He's sometimes unshaved.  This morning his teeth hadn't been brushed.  I did it.
I wonder if life will ever be easier.  I fear not.
Just as we were getting on top of these many smaller issues, or at least accepting the complacency Merv experienced extreme body movements for several days last week.  Merv told everyone it's his disease (Huntington's), his specialist said otherwise.  I threw up my hands in despair. Merv was so restless he was put into his bed after breakfast for his own safety.  With a slight increase in medication he appears to be much better.  Will it happen again?  If so, when and for how long?  In reality we're just taking one day at a time and adding a dash of hope.

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