Sunday 10 July 2016

A Life Lost Too Young

On Saturday 2nd July 2016 Damien, aged 35 left this world.  He passed peacefully early in the morning.  I wish we were there to hold his hand and reassure him.
Mel had visited everyday to hold his hand, comfort him and provide him with whatever he had asked.  I had accompanied her ensuring they had plenty of time just the two of them.  On the day before he died I held his hand briefly and told him to hang on.  Fear vibrated from him after the nursing staff inserted a morphine drip in his side.  I could see he no longer felt invincible.  The truth and reality of the lung cancer threatened him and sadly took his life. 
A life cut short far too early. His oncologist gave him 2-3 months but he took his last breath only 16 days later.  His mother and siblings arrived from interstate the evening after he passed.  No one had expected his death so soon.
Mel was racked with grief as she heard the news on that fateful Saturday morning.  
His funeral was packed full of family and friends.  Mel was welcomed into the inner sanction of his family as she placed a red rose on his casket and her name mentioned many times in his eulogy.  Ed Sheeran's song; 'Thinking Out Loud', was the song played as mourners entered the chapel.  Damien and Mel's favourite song.
Mel and Damien were together less than a year.  Their engagement broken off after only a month but they remained in love as boyfriend and girlfriend.  Their love for each other was the glue which kept them together.

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