Sunday 28 July 2013

Forget to Remember

I spoke with Mel late this afternoon and she was telling me all about her boyfriend's birthday party at a local restaurant.  She told me who was there, what she ate, all about the surprise ice cream birthday cake.  She was very happy and then as an after thought she said;  'Oh Mum, I had an asthma attack at 3 o'clock last night!'  She simply said she had her puffer and within the hour she was feeling better.  I was flabbergasted!  We had spent a couple of hours with Mel this morning and there was no mention of the attack.  Mel was a chronic asthmatic and had been in hospital over 40 times by the age of 12, twice in ICU.  She had an asthma attack last August and spent two days in the local hospital.
It is not the first time she has 'forgotten' to pass on important information.  It seems to be a common problem!  I know I am far from perfect and sometimes find myself forgetful. 
At times Merv or his carer have forgotten to pass on important information.  It has been; important appointments, people wanting to visit, maintenance problems, information from agencies or medical departments.  Only sometime later does the forgotten information surface and the journey to either correct it or reschedule commences.  It is a journey which could easily have been avoided.  Merv has a communication book which the carer writes down information from the service provided, but this is never fool-proof.  Merv's communication skills are now limited and he may want to tell me something but will choose not to.  Not all of his words are clearly understood now.  I am buying   Merv an i-pad for his birthday next month and hopefully the communication programs will be helpful. 

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