Saturday 27 July 2013

Hairy Bush Bites the Dust

Thunder and lightning shattered the peace of night and kept us awake at 1am.  Eventually we returned to the slumber of sleep awaking to pouring rain and a grey painted sky.  There seemed there would be little chance of it clearing early.  The tree lopper was booked today and arrived just after 10am.  Merv found comfort in his favourite chair in the lounge while we busied ourselves on our mission.  Ron and Daphne who have helped us so many times in the last few years came and helped us.  The tree lopper bought along his two young sons who worked hard all day.  I fed them banana cake and chips.
We were altogether committed to removing the ever-growing climbing bush which had taken claim
of its territory on our back fence.  It has nice orange flowers, green fringed leaves and grows all year round.   It must have it's own survival plan for we have never given it a drink  but still it refuses to stop its quest to reach the sky.
Not only is this no name fence hugging climber destined for a major haircut but hairy bush is marked for far greater destruction.  The thought being rather pleasing.  I will no longer need to book a bi-monthly haircut for it.  It is destined to be a stump sunning itself and providing a safe haven for insects and other small garden inhabitants. A tear I cannot shed.
The climber stood its ground and five very long hours later was shaved and manicured.  Our arms ached from shifting the branches from the back fence to the front verge.  The local city council has a garden refuse pick up mid-August and our verge was piled high with not one centimetre free of refuse!
Then it was time for hairy bush.  A hush was heard and the pain felt as the chainsaw went to work, removing awkward off-shoots one at  a time.  Silently the short woody trunk fell and the little stump sighed and looked for the sun.  The sun shone and gave us a little relief from the murky grey sky.
I paid the tree lopper, gave the boys a gold star each and presented them with a home made banana cake for their family.  I thanked Ron and Daphne.
I had been busy all day, moving branches, providing food and drinks for Merv and all the helpers.  I ensured Merv was happy watching some good movies and checked on him frequently.
This morning I told Merv I miss him helping in the garden, we used to work so well together with him doing the heavy work.  He said he also misses working together.

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