Sunday 16 February 2014

Making Another Move

Dustin is looking for somewhere to live.  Not a house or an apartment but a room in a house possibly with strangers.  Not something I would like to do.  Even in the current house which he bought with a friend there has been strangers boarding with them to help pay the mortgage.  They have had their issues, some of them taking their time to resolve but all in all it has worked out for everyone.  I have lost count how many times he has changed his address.  I am sure it is a family gene.  My Mum and Dad were the same and many of my family share the same disposition.
Perth has a shortage of rental properties and singles often find it cheaper and more convenient to just rent a room which comes with shared bathroom, kitchen and living space.
Dustin's work situation has recently changed.  He works in administration in a private hospital which has recently been sold.  The new hospital has offered him a similar position but at a site a long way from his current accommodation. I have to admit it makes sense he moves closer to work. Today Dustin brought some of his furniture and belongings to store in our shed, until he needs them later.
We will miss him dropping by after work or on the weekend.  He's a good son, I know he will still call in and make time for his Dad.  That's life.

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