Friday 7 February 2014

Keeping in Touch

My friend's email suggested we catch up for coffee.  Another friend was celebrating her 87th birthday but she was nowhere to be found.  We rang, we left messages, we worried.  We soon found out she was visiting a friend in Mandurah and she was not due home until Saturday.  We arranged lunch for the two of us.  We hadn't caught up for more than six months; we had much to chat about. 
Merv was at his day centre and I squeezed in a haircut and some shopping before heading off for the lunch appointment.
The phone rang.  Should I let it ring?  Should I answer it?  Is it a scammer selling me a condo in Nigeria or is it the hospital, the doctor, the case manager?  Goodness me, I pick up the phone and prepare myself.  I laugh it's our friend who came home early!  She had found out we are meeting for lunch and wants to join us.  She still drives and I hope the directions I give her to the restaurant are adequate.  I have a birthday card and a scarf I bought from Mauritius already for her.
Not long afterwards I meet her as she is walking with the aid of her crutch and we share a laugh.  Our other friend has no idea our lost friend is joining us.  We sit on the couch outside the restaurant and wait for her.  We see her and the surprise on her face had us giggling like school girls.
We enjoyed a chatty, fun lunch altogether.  It is good to keep in touch.

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