Tuesday 24 December 2013

Next Stop Christmas

Sitting on a train I  check out which station is next, even though I already know each station and their order.  It's a lot like that with Christmas.  I know when its coming, I know what to do to make it happen and just like the train, I know what not to do.  I know all of this, but each year it's like  my very first.  I buy too much,  I cook and prepare too much food, I expect family to read my mind and know exactly what I would like them to do.  Next year will be the same. 
What do I love about Christmas?
The reason for Christmas is never out of date.  The joy of the birth of the Saviour is everywhere.  I look for it often at Christmas and find it not just tucked away in a corner but right out in front.  I celebrate in our multinational country we can acknowledge the birth of Jesus and not feel afraid.
I love the opportunity to celebrate with family, extended family and friends.  The joy of sitting and sharing a meal and discussing what is happening in our lives.  It encompasses our family bonds and makes us better people.
However you celebrate your Christmas we send you our blessings and pray your day is filled with joy.

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