Sunday 8 December 2013


We recently received a service plan from one of Merv's service providers. Initially I put it aside to read later.   Last Friday I took the time to sit and proof read it.  I hi-lited six errors.  A few of them were grammatical but the rest of them were mis-information for the reader.   Just silly mistakes which provide misleading information to support workers. 
Our regular support workers know and understand Merv but anyone new is faced with receiving wrong information even before meeting Merv.
You never know when the regular support workers will be replaced with an unknown face.  It is inevitable.  People go on holiday, they become ill, they leave and move on elsewhere, never to be seen again.  Clients grieve for the loss of support workers who have visited them over a long period of time, but no one provides counselling.  The new support worker just takes up where the other left off.
I only wish the information provided by both the client and the carer is proof read by staff plus the client/carer before it is provided to their support workers.  

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