Tuesday 3 December 2013

Harry Deals His Hand

Our Last Game

I wondered when Merv would give up the domino type game,
Tri-ominos.  Each tile has three sides and the goal is to begin with nine tiles and match them with tiles with corresponding numbers until all your tiles are used. It is more difficult than dominoes, it is challenging and competitive. For some time the game has become increasingly difficult for Merv and anyone including me, realised we were no longer playing with Merv but playing for him. This was dilemma for me as I had to acknowledge 'Harry' was dealing his hand. Time for the game to find a new home. My sister valiantly took the game off our hands.  Merv has played the game so often with me, with Mel and his support workers it almost felt like we were saying goodbye to a family pet. Today we played our very last game together. What better way to grieve a loss but to take up a new interest. I've never enjoyed dominoes but this isn't about me, it's about Merv and bringing joy in his life.  Merv needs no help with this simple additive game and he grins widely as he wins over and over again. Harry may  deal a dangerous hand but we just learn to overcome and move forward.

Dominoes to the rescue
The finished game


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