Tuesday 1 April 2014

April Fools Day

I have two children.  Dustin was born on April Fools Day and Mel was born on Melbourne Cup Day in 1979. 
Happy Birthday Dustin.  37 today!
Dustin always points out to his friends and colleagues he was born at 7pm, seven hours after the whole, 'April Fools Day' tomfoolery has finished.  I tell him he was due on April 5th but he was restless to be born!  Mel on the other hand was eight days late.  My GP said he would induce me if she wasn't born by 7th November.  She came into the world at 10pm on the 6th November!  Her attitude to life is often laid back and she takes her time.  While Dustin wants everything to happen right here and now if not yesterday!  He's a lot like me!
Parents often comment how different their children are from not only each other but from their parents.  My Mum can put her hand to any project which involves knitting, crocheting and embroidery.  I knitted a pair of mittens when I was eight and I have knitted a few odd squares and scarves since then but nothing amazing.  I once (the emphasis on once) made a dress I wore to a wedding and I made Mel little dresses before she started school.  Today I sew labels on Merv's clothing and the occasional rogue button which has decided to go AWOL.
My Mum loves crosswords while I avoid them like the plague.  I love Sudoku.  Mum doesn't. 
Whether family or friends it's good to be different. We all have something unique to share and encourage one another.

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