Monday 14 April 2014

Forgotten Friend

The rain set in as the hiking group headed back to Perth on the bus.  I had my own car and spent some time pottering around the local shops, treating myself to a scrumptious breakfast at the local Italian restaurant and having some 'me time.'  I headed off to Dunsborough to visit my friend Helen and popping into the decadent Margaret River Chocolate Factory for necessary supplies.
One of many pre-loved tops bought for Mel
There was only one problem.  Helen had forgotten I was coming today and accepted an invitation from her daughter to see the Wildcats in their first of three grand final play offs.   I was in her hometown of Dunsborough, she was in my home town of Perth!  Helen muttered under her breath and suggested I let myself in with the hidden key. I did just that after buying a cooked chicken and salad for my dinner.  Helen was expected home after midnight and I made myself comfortable.  I was tired but her house was in need of some help.  My house often looks the same!  The plan I have for cleaning my own house I put into action.  I tidied up, putting away clothes and knick-knacks. I shook all the mats, and dusted. I vacuumed throughout and cleaned the kitchen.  My last endeavour was to rid the accumulating dust from the many stairs leading to the bedrooms.  I spied the dust buster, fabulous I thought until I realised it didn't work.  I plugged it in, recharged it but still it was useless.   I was beaten.  I took a dustpan, a wet cloth and a plastic bag and attacked one step at a time.  After an hour on my knees the stairs looked fabulous.  Helen arrived home well after midnight with news of the Wildcat's win.  We toasted with white wine, cheese and nibbles before hitting the sack and sleeping in the next day.   We spent the following day together gathering bargains at Busselton's second hand shops.   I had hoped to go exploring but Helen enjoys the rummaging and spoils of once loved clothing.  We had a great day and I bought numerous tops for Mel.  Helen never once mentioned the dust free stairs or her clean house.  I asked if she had her eyes checked recently. She replied she had and she only wore her new glasses in her bedroom!  The only room I didn't clean!  I laughed.  I had expected her to berate me for my cleaning efforts.  I went home knowing I had helped out and she was none the wiser!

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