Tuesday 3 September 2013

Staying Put

People tell me moving house is as stressful as a heart attack or a divorce.  I am not likely to find out any time soon.  We bought this house, with the bank's help in 1985 and we are still here!  As a young girl my family moved around so often and I vividly remember changing primary schools in the last six months of  my last year.  The primary school was small and the kids friendly which helped but I promised not to do that to our own children.   Dustin was eight and Mel was six when we moved here and after they finished high school we thought about moving.  We went and looked here and there and always returned home, put up our feet and had a cuppa.  We were home, why did we want to move?  Our neighbours have all been here longer than us.  All our children grew up together playing in each other's yards and cricket on the local oval.  They bought their own cars and added sub-woofers keeping the neighbourhood rocking with headaches all night! Eventually they left home and some of these now grown children have their own children.  I have no plans to move at present.  We spent $30,000 in renovations last year, knowing my working career would soon finish.  Half of the money went into a complete renovation of our very tired and shabby bathroom.  Our builder stripped the bathroom completely.  The old bath was replaced with a modern toilet, floor to ceiling classic modern tiles, non-slip floor tiles and quality accessories. We now have a walk-in shower, commonly known as a, 'wet room.'  It is ideal to shower Merv and there is plenty of room for the shower chair.
Mel rang today and said she is moving from her current unit to another unit in the village which she lives.  She is so excited and the support staff helped her move her belongings.  I am surprised she owns so much, I am very good at chucking stuff.  Last year when we had the house recarpeted, Dustin and I moved all the furniture out of each room.  What a field day I had, chucking this and chucking that.  I don't have any regrets, but I do have more room in my cupboards and wardrobes!

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