Friday 27 September 2013


The day dawned with an expectation of busyness.  Merv's sister had a fall yesterday and had been admitted to hospital.  Melanie is off to see the gardens of tulips at Araluen.  A staff member will drive the residents in the villa's small bus.   Merv is off to his Friday day centre group and I am booked in for the September carer's lunch.  Yes it will be a busy day. 
Only a couple of days ago I had planned to take Merv's sister in her wheelchair for a welcome wander around Tomato Lake.  There are no tomatoes, it is a small lake in the southern suburbs of Perth framed by trees and native plants.  A variety of wildlife including numerous bird species have made their nests here or rest on their way on their migration journey. A practicable concrete path allows access right around the lake, especially for wheelchair users.  A rustic simple café provides good coffee and simple treats.  I have promised this outing for sometime but either health or poor weather has prevented it happening.  Today was no different; another change of plan.
I left just after 9am and I arrived at Royal Perth Hospital before 10am.  I took time to find the very best flower arrangement, all of them simple but colourful orchids!  My sister in law was recovering well from her fall and she was happy to see me and engage in a chat.
St Mary's Cathedral is directly opposite the hospital and I remember well the numerous times I have visited, either by myself or with Melanie.  Mel was in RPH way back in 2002 for six weeks and St Mary's was a simple, plain church.  I went there not to look at the building but to spend time with my thoughts and pray.  Just a short time to rest and find peace.  In recent years St Mary's had a major renovation and I had not visited until now.  The cathedral beckoned me as I stood mesmerised by it's enormity.  I walked humbly inside and stood transfixed at the transformation before me.  It was beautiful, just beautiful.  I sat in a pew half way from the altar and opened my heart.  I spoke quietly to God asking him to bless my sister in law as she struggles with HD.  I stayed only a few minutes.  I left different than when I entered.  Peace embraced and strengthened me.
The day continued not as a struggle but a joyful celebration.

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