Wednesday 4 September 2013


Explorers say the mountain ahead of them is there to be conquered and I am a bit the same with things of interest which come my way.  My local library advertised  four, one hour presentations on Intuition over four consecutive Wednesdays.  I booked myself in, hoping it would be something which would grab me, shake me and speak to my inner being.  I imagined during one of my many lucid moments intuition would be beneficial in my caring role.  What was I thinking? 
The presenter shared the meaning of intuition from her Google search on Wikipedia; 'The word intuition comes from Latin verb intueri which is usually translated as to look inside or to contemplate.She pointed out Richard Branson and Steve Jobs both used intuition in their business journey.
I had arrived at the library just on 10am to an almost full room, there were only three empty seats. The presenter raised her eyebrows and stated she was not happy with anyone arriving late.  I thought I was exactly on time!  She was wearing a black pant suit, a colourful nylon scarf and shabby joggers. I wondered about the joggers and what they represented. I was looking for some action by this time but kept slipping past my intuitiveness into a relaxed state of slumber. Quick, Pamela I thought to myself; sit up straight or perch on the edge of your seat.  We were all encouraged to share about ourselves for a few minutes and I listened attentively until the man at the end of the room shared a mind blowing belief.  He wasn't sure if he is on the right planet!  The woman next to him agreed and the presenter smiled.  Oh goodness me,  I don't have time to consider thoughts about what planet I should be on!  The hour wore on with nothing of note shaking me into a conscious awareness.  The presenter complained a number of times that the morning tea trolley had not been delivered as she was hanging out for a coffee before her hospital appointment she was to rush off to in an hour.  My hour into a different world was effective.  I learnt intuition maybe a gift which we can all explore but I will continue my journey feeling more in tune with life and relaxed if I miss the presentations and just get on with life.

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