Monday 9 September 2013

Lavendar Joy

Not so long ago I would drop by my neighbours' homes for a coffee and a chat.  The children used to play together, running around and making up their own games.  No computer games or X-box around then!  These days our houses look the same but our lifestyles are far removed from chatting with the neighbours.  My neighbours all work and involved in a number of clubs and groups.  Whatever time they have left is centred on family and rarely involves neighbours!
Which is why I was surprised the other day.  A stranger knocked on my door and asked if she could cut some of my lavender.  My garden is filled with fourteen beautiful lavender bushes, planted in 2000.  They flower twice a year and they wave in unison in the breeze. Their gentle perfume fills the air as the breeze plays; bringing sweet inhalations to all around.  Their gift is a delight to me.  I was so pleased this stranger thought the same.  She said she would place them around a wishing well they were using for an at home wedding ceremony.  I grabbed some scissors and let her cut away.  There is so much lavender on every bush, they continued to wave and grin in the sunlight without sign of being cropped.  The stranger and I began to chat and as soon as we started our conversation finished.  The stranger had a bag of my lavender and then she was on her way.  I didn't ask her name and she didn't ask mine.  She said she lives up the road.  I hope I see her again.  I would like to ask how the wedding ceremony went.

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