Friday 2 May 2014

From Gym to GP

doctor cartoon : Young  smiling Doctor with clipboard showingThis week is full of muddle-puddle days.   I took myself to pathology for regular blood tests only to find everyone else had the same idea.  I was finally home at 10am and able to enjoy some breakfast.  I was running late to meet up with Mel.  She was booked in for her first appraisal at the gym.  It's been years since she last went to the gym and we're both hoping it will help her on her weight loss journey.  We arrived at the gym to find out the man we booked was at the hospital with his wife.  She had gone into labour a month early!  "Consistency, he is the only one who does the appraisals," they said.  In hindsight it was meant to be.  Suddenly Mel was breaking out in a sweat and not looking so good.  We were due to pick up her Webster packs from her chemist and I was concerned about a lump on the bridge of her nose.  I noticed it on Wednesday and suggested insect soothing spray, believing it was a mozzie bite.  The pharmacist eyed the swelling, checked her sinuses and said she had an infection!  Fortunately there is a relatively new Super Clinic in the building and we make an appointment completing a handful of paperwork before we see a young female GP.  She suggests antibiotic cream and antihistamine.   I give her the, 'I've been around forever, the cream isn't going to cut it look' and suggest the potent stuff; oral antibiotics.  I am thinking; kill the little blighters rampaging throuh her body, the only way to go! 
Then came the inevitable!  Making sure Mel takes her drugs three times a day.   "Yes," says Mel, "I will come and stay with you for five days!"  We pack, we talk with her supervisor, we arrive home and Mel settles in.  From gym to GP and home again in four hours!   Two people to care for over the weekend and into next week.  I put Mel to work helping with the afternoon tea and playing UNO with Merv.  I am sure it will work well.  I hope Mel's health improves and we are not headed for a relapse.

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