Thursday 1 May 2014

Chicken Jokes

It was back in 1995 as Mel was despairing during her first bout of mental illness that I took her south to Busselton and we stayed five days in a church campsite by the sea.  It was no resort, just one of a row of basic units with an ablution block for all to use.  We walked along the sandy beach breathing in the fresh warm air of summer.  We slept in the same large bed.  We rested during the day while I read her corny jokes from a variety of library books and internet sites.  I read them so often I no longer needed to read them out.  We laughed and winced at the really corny ones. Our favourite joke which we still remember today is:

Q 'How do you catch a monkey?'
A 'Hang upside down in a tree and act like a banana!'

Mel and I left Busselton better rested and lighter in spirit.  There was a lot going on during that time.
Little sister is currently in hospital, she is there for a week or so.  Her ailment isn't life threatening and is of the physical nature.  I wondered what I could do to bring a little giggle to her week.  Little sister said she had just bought a hen house and did not have a clucking hen to house in it.  Oh, chicken jokes I thought and starting texting them to her each night.  I didn't get any feedback but hoped for the best.  Today big sister and I took the train and went to visit her.  I took her a toy chicken to hug and two tiny toy chickens which race each other when wound up with a key! We stayed and chatted until her lunch was on its way and she needed to rest.   She smiled and said the jokes and the chickens gave her a laugh!  Laughter is the very best medicine!

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