Friday 9 August 2013

Sharing A Chuckle

Staying at home may sound a little boring but I rather like Fridays.  Merv goes to the day centre and they alternate their,  'in and out days.' Today was an 'out day,' and they all went to Fasta Pasta eatery for lunch.  Merv enjoyed pizza for lunch.  He has an appetite for pizza lately.
I ran errands and did things at home.  No one to check on, lunch when I wanted, time spent pulling weeds in the garden and just some me time.  It was nice.
It's the end of the week and my mind must have been elsewhere when I was dressing Merv after his shower in the late afternoon.  I had helped him on with his singlet and forgot his pyjama top.  I jokingly suggested he could be a builder's labourer on a building site with his navy blue Bonds singlet and he started to smile.  His smile quickened and he started chuckling so hard his body started to sway.  I had no choice, but to join in laughing as loud as him.  We chuckled and chuckled until we could chuckle no more.  It was refreshing to share a laugh together.  A chuckle, a joke, a funny saying, a hug, a kiss, all of which cements the bond between us.

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