Thursday 22 August 2013

Days of Our Lives

Mel and I headed for the coast today.  It is our Thursday to party, the sun is shining, the deep blue of the ocean calm and inviting.  Mel is doing really well at least that is what I thought until she handed me a bombshell!  She confided she had seen her ex boyfriend last night and shared a kiss.  'Oh,' I sighed, this is not the news I wanted to  hear.  Mel has recently been going out with a well-mannered Christian man, not much older than herself.  She had been with the ex-boyfriend for more years than I care to recall and every year he would break up with her to be with someone new and then rekindle the relationship.  All the pleading and prompting to turn her back on him was just a waste until this year when the jigsaw seemed to come together and she didn't take him back.  I really thought it had finished, finito!
I sighed again and talked and talked and talked some more, hoping I was passing over to her a little 'mummy' common sense.
The day continued to be glorious while we walked alongside the Yacht Club, around the children's beach, down to the main beach and back.  We sussed out the best and cheapest chicken and salad lunch (it even came with a free coffee!) and enjoyed it alfresco style overlooking the marina filled with expensive boats.
It wasn't just our own days of our lives scenario today.  We spotted a fire truck and exploding water spray coming from the construction area in the carpark of the beach shopping complex.  The workers had hit through the gas pipe resulting in the shops in close proximity closing for a while.  We took refuge from the smell of gas in the Dome café (not for apple pie) instead we shared a fruit salad and read the morning paper.
I hope our days of our lives scenario will sort itself out and Mel will continue to stay with her wonderful new boyfriend. The woes of a mother!

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