Saturday 18 January 2014

Stop Thief!

This morning I did a little shopping before the heat set in for the day.  I had a list in hand and a variety of recyclable shopping bags.  I spent what time I had carefully choosing my purchases while mentally adding the total cost.  I didn't want to be short at the check out, pay day is Monday and I have only a few dollars leftover until then.
I lined up behind other waiting customers to have my purchases scanned and packed.
I glanced around as I heard a bloke say to his companion, "Are we going to take the trolley through without paying?"  I thought he must have a dry sense of humour until the lady supervisor came rushing up to the check out operator exclaiming a couple had just left the shop without paying for their groceries!  She didn't state whether they had been apprehended.  We assured her they hadn't gone past us and she hovered around with her assistant for a few minutes. 
Just a minute beforehand we were a line of shoppers minding our own business and now we were conversing eagerly wondering why and how the thieves got away.  The man in front of me stated the thieves didn't get past us because he was blocking the whole lane.  The lady behind me hadn't seen or heard anything.  I shared the statement I had heard, but no one was interested.  I paid for my groceries and headed off to my car.
I wondered why the thieves resorted to stealing.  Maybe they have no money or spent it on bills, or worse, betting and drinking.  Maybe they saw a window of opportunity resulting in an adrenaline rush.  Whatever the cause I know shop lifting results in the average person paying extra to cover the loss revenue.  I am glad most people are just average honest citizens, it is a pity there are a few bad apples causing grief.

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