Sunday 19 January 2014


A scene from movie, "Saving Mr. Banks". - Courtesy Photo
Walt Disney and Pamela Travis portrayed in the film
Once again it's 39°C  today and it's still 34°C at 8pm.  On these very hot days we enjoy a trip to the air conditioned cinemas which are not far from Mel's place.  We left early to enjoy afternoon tea and have a wander around the shops before the movie began. 

The movie of choice today was, 'Saving Mr Banks.'  I thought it would be just a nice family movie but the plot not only opened up a story unknown to us but a variety of thought provoking issues of childhood and family.  Tom Hanks portrayed Walt Disney and a line in the movie spoke to my heart and my very being.  Walt looked at Pamela Travers  and said, "That is what storytellers do; they give hope."  I wanted to grab a pen and write it down while it was still fresh in my mind, but of course I didn't, it was too dark!
Hope is often the very best gift of all.

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