Wednesday 22 January 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air

I am tired
I am tired of the heat
I am tired of staying inside, out of the heat
I am tired of the tennis
I am tired of sitting too long
I am tired of being confined to the house
I am its prisoner today

I am grumpy because I am tired
I am grumpy because of the heat
I am grumpy because I am grumpy

Tired and grumpy zaps my energy
It's easier to be happy
It recharges my being
I can't change the weather but I can change me

I sit and rest
I take my tired and grumpy thoughts in hand
I hold them cupped in my hands to prevent their escape
They bring me no joy
I instruct them to leave, not entertain me

I breath deeply, my lungs fill with the fresh air of peace
My heart fills with tranquility
The whole of my being quietly recharges
I am free to be
Just me


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