Thursday 27 March 2014

Wildlife Adventure

Python from WA
Only last October I was on safari in South Africa surrounded by wild animals.  Today we were surrounded by Australian wildlife in a more sedate setting.  Mel and I visited Merv's sister Vicki and we were thrilled to find Vicki and the other residents enjoying a visit from West Oz Wildlife.  They bring the wildlife to you and they keep busy visiting schools, nursing homes and birthday parties.  Vicki was thrilled to stroke a friendly dingo and a larger than life fluffy koala but she wouldn't have a bar of the slippery pythons!  Mel and I lived the dangerous life and volunteered to drape the not so cute pythons around our necks!  We stroked the well behaved dingo, and bobtail lizard while oohing and aah-ing over the six year old koala. 

Vicki patting the dingo
Mel patting the koala

They only live seven years in the wild but three times longer in captivity.  They sleep up to twenty hours per day and everyone had a stroke of his amazingly soft fur.
There's a lot of people with HD who live at the high care facility and it was joyful to see their reactions and attentiveness during the visit.  I took lots of photos.  I am going to frame a few for Vicki to keep in her room and relive the memories.

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