Wednesday 2 October 2013

My Big Sister

I am packing, shopping and making lists.  I am on the run.  There is nothing unusual about that, I often put myself under stress.  There are only four days until 'D-day,'  'D' meaning departure date, on Sunday I will be on the plane heading west to Mauritius.  Until then there is no rest for me and very little sleep.  I toss, I turn, I close my eyes and pretend to sleep but alas it eludes me. 
It appears there is negative energy in the air when I am preparing to holiday and even more so when I am actually relaxing with a slimy green coloured cocktail on my holiday isle.  That is exactly what happens; Mel's life suddenly becomes a turmoil of  concern and what am I doing?  I have my head firmly buried in the sand, lazily sipping cocktails while relaxing in the sun!
My sister on the other hand is busy sorting out Mel;  lending a listening ear and providing helpful advice.  My sister cooks vegetarian meals for Mel and keeps her calm while sharing jokes to lift her mood.  (I order another cocktail and move in the shade of a palm tree).  Before I have even finished slurping the bottom of the glass, big sister has solved Mel's problems and concerns and all is good in the world again.  (I decide to have a swim in the surf and get stuck in a rip, I wave frantically hoping someone will save me).
My big sister will once again keep an eye on Mel while I am away enjoying more cocktails.  As always she will keep Mel well grounded and sort out all the hiccups.  What Mel had thought was a mountain suddenly will be a molehill and she will smile.  I begin to smile and the rip disappears and I am saved from certain drowning.
Thank you big sister for keeping an eye on Mel and showering her with love.  You are much appreciated.

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