Saturday 5 October 2013

One More Sleep

Everyone is excited.  The group is chatting and sharing messages.  Only one sleep to go and this time tomorrow we are supping on seafood right on the beach in Mauritius!  Sounds like heaven. 
It rained here today and I spent time running out to the washing line checking sheets and towels. By some miracle I brought the lot in just before the heavens opened up and a downpour kept us inside.  We have visited Merv's respite facility this morning and handed the Supervisor his meds and information as Dustin is taking him in on Monday afternoon.  I had promised Mel lunch to celebrate my upcoming departure and we booked in at Mash Brewery in the heart of the Swan Valley.  We have been there several times before.  Merv enjoyed a wheat beer while Mel and I stuck to the trusty lemon, lime and bitters.  My fish was overcooked but Merv delighted in his excellent fish and chips and Mel enjoyed a scrumptious looking vegetable stack.   Mel and I enjoyed a brisk thirty minute walk this afternoon while Merv watched a favourite movie. 
Why did I suggest to Dustin I would cook a Zucchini Slice and meatloaf before I left?  I don't know, but I do know I am running out of time.  Merv is packed and I am half way there.
I am guaranteed Wi-Fi in Mauritius but not necessarily in South Africa.   I hope to keep the blog going during my holiday and add some amazing photos!  Stay tuned.

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