As the weather begins to cool it's time to revisit our favourite haunts. We have the most fabulous places to visit, enjoy a walk and take in the scenery and be entertained by the wildlife. Today we went to Tomato Lake, a lake and park grounds nestled in a busy southern suburb of Perth. The sky was blue, the breeze warm and our twice around the lake walk saw us witness the flight of the coots (ducks) chasing each other in the shallows. They were, 'walking on water' as they skittled in flight looking like characters in a cartoon strip. The peace of the lake was interrupted by a stream of lunchtime visitors. People came to fill the tables at the little café and others bought their picnic eskies taking over the many picnic tables. Mel and I enjoyed curried egg sandwiches which we put together at our picnic table. We ordered takeaway coffee and tea to enjoy with our sandwiches and fresh fruit. A herd of black swans appeared from the lake hoping for some tasty titbits. We tidied up and left not long after. We have appointments this afternoon and we need to leave. We get in the car and soon we are back among the busy traffic with our thoughts on what the day has yet to bring rather than the joy of our Tomato Lake adventure.

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