Friday, 6 May 2016

Big versus Little

Tell me is it the big things or the little things?  We often think it must be just the big things.  Major stuff like; death,  sudden impairment, maybe a drug or drink problem.  Of course those things are life changing but life changing also occurs over time.  It is like a cancer spreading it tentacles and snatching what is good and replacing it with what is unusable.
I go shopping every fortnight and being the creative person I am I look for activities which Merv is able to complete.  He can count money and tie plastic shopping bags into a knot to put in my plastic shopping bag holder! 
Hmmm those dreaded plastic shopping bags do come in handy at times.  Not so long ago I was rather green and possessed a bundle of material re-usable shopping bags.  All of which were either lost, given away or fell apart.  I now have re-useable fruit and vegie bags which little sis and I bought from the Eco shop a few weeks ago.  As one good eco attempt follows the other I am now collecting more material shopping bags and collecting less plastic at the check out.
I went shopping almost two weeks ago and had a bundle of these unattractive grey plastic bags.  I asked Merv as usual to tie them.  He tried and he tried again but his motor skills have diminished.  He was unable to tie them into a lose knot. 
"Damn it!" I seethed through my teeth.  I will just shove those damn bags (without tying) into their holder which hangs inside my pantry wall.  I wasn't angry at Merv, I wasn't angry at the bags I was just letting off steam because it's the little things which play havoc in our lives.
Merv also stopped crossing off the day on his bedroom calendar.  It has pictures of players in his favourite football team.  For years he has methodically crossed off the day before getting into bed at night.  Then it stopped.  I encouraged him to restart but to no avail.  Reluctantly I took away the pen which has sat in anticipation of the nightly big 'cross off.'   Another ability lost.
Huntington's Disease affects both the muscles and the brain cells. 
I haven't cried this week.  I am in control.  At least I tease myself I am.  I don't know where I am going or how I will get there.  I just keep doing the expected things each day in hope the sun will continue to shine and I will source the energy to keep going.
Dreaded no green shopping bags
keeping the dreaded bags tidy and out of sight

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