There are bags strewn over the floor which are filled with all number of things. Every inch of space on the dressing table and every surface is filled, often piled high. The bed is often unmade and the window shut tight.
I enter her room through half closed eyes, slide open her window and declare war. It is of no use, her army always wins! I need a strategy. I go back to the drawing board. I let my imagination take over and leave it to work.
Then I have my epiphany! When the kids were little they had so many toys which lay strewn across the floor, too many to play with and too many to pick up after play. We put away some of the toys and brought them out a few months later. It worked.
On Thursday I am going armed with large plastic containers and hoping Mel will be happy to store some of her treasures for a few months before exchanging them. Less treasure, less gremlins, happy room. We'll see!
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