Yesterday I listened to a lady who rang me to discuss art therapy. "I am the carer not the consumer," I pointed out. "It's for the carers," she replied. I must have sounded confused, I had never been offered hands on therapy!
Today I attended a two hourly ARAFMI carer's meeting. ARAFMI supports carers of people with mental illness. Addie, the Art Therapist is at the end of her studies. She kept us entertained and comfortable throughout the one hour art therapy session. I thought it would just be a little bit of fun, but it was so much more than that. I found out more about myself in an hour than I have in the last four years of caring for Merv and Mel!

Addie had drawn a large circle on white paper which she placed in front of us four carers. Addie asked us to decorate our own quarter of the circle with the colours or drawings which reflect our ARAFMI support and what we do to look after ourselves. I used vibrant primary colours to divide my slice of the circle into five wedges. In each wedge I coloured the background and added rather childlike pictures. I am not an artist.
I drew:
- my coffee cup
- meeting friends at a café
- driving - outings
- books and pens (reading & writing)
- my holidays
Just looking at my 'masterpiece' I could see clearly how I have separated my life into segments. These segments represent: Caring for Merv, Caring for Mel & Caring for me. Though this is nothing new to me, it is quite inspiring seeing it in front of you, rather than just thoughts in your head.
The second hour of our meeting was spent sharing our stories and supporting each other with the guidance of our ARAFMI facilitator. I am glad I entered in today. I am looking forward to a further art therapy session in February.
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