Today it happened. My daughter after 15 years of not knowing her future was given her life sentence. Not that she did anything wrong, not that anyone else did anything wrong. She just didn't win the lottery in life. There is a multitude of things which can happen to anyone of us. A heart attack at 40, a stroke at 18, or cancer in any part of the body; the list goes on. Most of the time these things just come out of the blue, no one predicts them, even though our relative may have died young from a heart attack, we see the GP regularly take all the necessary tests and watch our fried food intake and learn how to decipher the good and bad fat results. My daughter may or may not have a heart attack any time.
Today Big Bad Harry moved in when the social worker paid us a visit with that brown envelope in her hand. It said her predictive test for HD was positive, just one line which changes your life and lets loose Harry. Mel had said her life would continue as it always has, she said this before the brown envelope and it sounded promising, but we chide ourselves with lies, which we convince are true before the truth is known. Mel will get stronger and her HD prognosis will make her a stronger person, just as her father's diagnosis made us stronger.
But Harry is here to stay, we work at making him our friend and not the foe.
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