Friday, 29 April 2016

Flu Jab

Across Australia people of all ages are lining up at Flu Clinics to have their flu jabs (injection).  It's no different in our family.  Yesterday Merv's support worker took him to his medical centre for his.  Mel went to her medical centre yesterday afternoon for hers and today I went to my medical centre for my annual jab.  We have been doing this for years; always thankful we wont be getting the flu anytime soon.  The three of us now attend different medical centres.
Lots of my friends and a few acquaintances will share their; 'no flu jab stories.'  It is always the same and goes like this. 
"I never needed a flu jab before because I never got the flu and if I did it was just mild.  Then (date supplied) I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed and I THOUGHT I was about to DIE!  From now on I'm going to have a flu jab every year!"
Last year a good friend confided her own story with us.  She had gone to Melbourne with her husband during winter to see snow for the first time.  They had planned to go to sunny Queensland after a week in enjoying the snow.  Their journey was cut short when the lady came down with a bad case of the flu only a day after arriving.  Home they went and completely missed their well planned holiday.  I bumped into her recently and she made a point of telling everyone she is booked in this month for her flu jab!  Good for her.
At my medical centre the flu clinics had already finished, therefore I made an appointment with my doctor and the nurse later gave me my flu jab.   It worked out well as I needed a repeat prescription.  I also choose to tell my doctor what happened last week when I had an emotional meltdown.  I cried, she listened.  She was lovely. We both agreed it is my grief and loss which I am dealing with.
It's important for the professionals in my life to know how I'm going in my journey.  I have emailed our social worker.  She works with people with HD and their carers all the time.  She knows Merv, myself and our children.  She can see things I am not able to.  I am hoping she will provide me with useful information and advice.
This week I'm feeling much more in control and confident in my journey.  It's just one day at a time and I'm pleased most of them are good.

flu shot syringe istock
Flu Clinic - line up please!

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