Monday, 4 April 2016

I Lied

There are little white lies, big fat lies and lies of many colours. I think mine was just a white one.
I joined a new book club in February this year.  A book club with a rocky past.  All the other members have been attending for sometime.  They all know each other and share their lives both past and present. 
The very first attendance on a Thursday afternoon my treasured book club was cancelled only two hours beforehand.  There was a power cut which wouldn't be fixed for over four hours.  The book club was rescheduled for the following week. 
They welcomed me, a stranger in their mist sharing titbits of their lives both past and present.
This month I received an email saying,  Joan, Doris and Sylvia hadn't read this month's book and shall we meet next week?  I sighed with frustration.  I had already arranged for the Support Worker to stay an extra two hours and I let the book club facilitator know I had to cancel with 24 hours notice to prevent losing Merv's hours.
Then another email.  The book club was cancelled this month but come rain, hail or shine it would be on in April.
At least the facilitator  replied promptly by email saying we would be discussing this month's book and next month's book in four weeks time.  I sighed again.  I don't think there will be much book talk happening.
Then I lied!
I didn't tell the support worker's agency the book club had been cancelled.  My two extra hours were available and with my book in hand and book club chatter lies on my lips I escaped out the door into the big wide world!
No one would consider a thirty minute stint in the library would be fulfilling but I had the time and opportunity to chat to the senior librarian about my amazing adventures at the recent Writer's Festival in February.  I had her spellbound!
Then I parked my car in a tiny historic town close by taking the opportunity to delve into little shops of  creative arts and crafts.  I finished my time at my local coffee shop with my favourite coffee and a sweet treat.
If next month's book club is cancelled I wont hesitate to enjoy another two hours of glorious white lie freedom!

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