Life continued full steam ahead today. There was washing and more washing, Mel's shopping and making sure she had everything ready before taking her home. All the time I entertained both daughter and husband while putting the house back into order. This evening as the TV drolled endlessly in my mind I closed my eyes and gave in to slumber.
I awoke to tuck Merv into bed and stack the dishwasher and fold the washing. That's when an idea began to form in my mind. It was something I had not taken much time to consider but there it was.
My Cape to Cape training ground |
In two weeks and one day Merv goes into respite and I am off (yes again) on holiday. I am booked to attend a carer's retreat for three nights and straight afterwards three days walking stage 2 of the Cape to Cape track in South West of WA. Fortunately we stay overnight in a comfortable motel. After the walk the following two nights I spend with my friend in Dunsborough before returning home and taking Mel on two already booked day tours. I am tired just thinking about it all!
That's where my idea begins to take form. Instead of taking Merv to his respite accommodation and immediately whizzing away to my carer's retreat I could take a day out for myself. I am currently limited in available time to train for my walk and as yet I have not started a training regime. Yesterday I planned a haphazard fortnight of training during Merv's regular respite hours. I need to train on beach sand, due to the amount of beach walking during the Cape to Cape. The beach is over thirty minutes from home! My lack of training can be blamed on the continuing hot weather and our ongoing recent family holidays. In saying that we have had a wonderful time during both family holidays!
I will let my idea play in my mind. Some of my ideas work, some of them are there just for a fleeting moment. We will see what tomorrow brings.