We parked the car and walked a short distance. The yachts sat idly together on the Swan River on a perfect Spring day. We weren't spending the time walking or enjoying the view. We had serious work to do and we were armed and ready to go.
Last week Mel, big sister and myself attended the two day National Huntington's Disease Conference in Perth. Mel was the perfect conference audience, she sat and listened and took in what she could. She never complained. I had imagined she would be snoring on my shoulder whimpering about going home to watch her favourite 4pm TV program, but instead she was brilliant.
I love a well organised event. Everything ran smoothly and the variety of topics kept our grey matter buzzing.
The neurologists spoke professionally and ensured us we didn't fall asleep by keeping their presentations to a level we could all understand. There were presentations by people with HD and those who care for them. It was challenging, inspiring and encouraging. I am glad I went.
The information which was new to me proved to be thought provoking.
The HD community in Perth is like one large connected family. On the first day I walked through the entrance door where a group of people were chatting. Within the group I greeted and hugged; HD staff members, researchers, carers, people and people with HD. I have met these wonderful people in different places at different times but here they were chatting and catching up together in the foyer.
We all together supporting each other through the good times, the bad times and those so very sad times.
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