Monday, 29 September 2014

Mel on Display

It doesn't matter Mel is almost 35, she will always be my baby.  A few months back she finished her colourful painting of the Muppets.  I had seen it in its infancy.  A colourful background and figures without faces.  Weeks passed and Mel gave me little tidbits of her progress; how the faces were coming alive on canvas with her love of vivid colours.
Finally it was finished and I was there to see her achievement.  I took out my iPhone and snapped a couple of pics.  Proud mummy I was!
Mel began another masterpiece  and she said in passing her Muppets were going to be displayed at the Midland Art Exhibition.  She had a couple of art pieces at the exhibition last year.  No drama.
But the story didn't end there.  The exhibition went from Midland to Fremantle, almost the other end of the earth for us! 
The opening night with the speeches was a busy Friday night with the exhibition opening during the next two weeks but only on weekdays.  Easy I thought, until I realised Merv was in respite and I was away for the whole two weeks.  The opening night was our only option.
I was tired, I was rattled.  I didn't want to go.  I just wanted to be selfish and mean!
I drank more coffee, I ran a little faster and off we went across town to the official opening.  As I battled with the peak hour traffic my brain suddenly sprung into gear and I started singing along with the radio.  I was transformed.  I was amazed!
We drove to Dustin's house who drove us the extra leg to Fremantle.  Merv is using his wheelchair more often now especially when a lot of standing is required, such as this event.
A hundred people or more were already busy admiring the art and helping themselves to wine and canapés as we arrived.
The art exhibition was opened by the Minister of Health and other dignitaries.  I haven't mentioned that the exhibition is for artists with a mental health issue.  The reason is simple.  As the presenter said, 'an artist is an artist, nothing more, the mental health of the artist doesn't make the artist any more of less an artist.'
I agree.
Mel was thrilled her painting of the Muppets stood out, close to the podium for the guest speakers.  I took photos, I drank wine and helped myself to sushi.  
I am so glad I made the effort.

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