There are just days which should be avoided. The type you want to jump back into bed, pull the covers up over your head and let the day slide by without being part of it. Today was one of those days! Not that I had a choice of jumping back into bed but if I could I would have! It wasn't all bad it just started that way. Who gets upset when an unknown person dumps their rubbish in your wheelie bin? No-one of course, but me. I had put the bin on the verge yesterday afternoon ready for the early morning pick up. This morning there are prunings sticking out from all directions from a plant I don't own. I pretended to be a detective and followed the fallen leaves around the bin. The trail ran cold half way across the neighbour's verge. Ha-ha was it the neighbour. Goodness me, I am going crazy. The bin man comes and empties my bin and I hide it once again behind the automatic roller door. Out of sight, out of mind. The day continued. I had asked for another weeks respite in October to allow me to finish stage 3 of the Cape to Cape walk in the south west. It turns out there is a central carer's retreat during the same week and the respite centres I have contacted are full. I feel like I am sitting in a muddy puddle. Oh well, I mutter to myself, I'll go next year. I am feeling a nasty shade of blue. There is no parking available this afternoon for Mel's appointment at the clinic. I have my eyes peeled and there hiding behind a gum tree is a single vacant car space. The other thousand car spaces at the hospital are all taken and every footpath and verge are speckled with badly parked cars. Finally God is smiling upon me. My day improves even further when a middle aged Italian woman asks me to read the note on the door of the doctor surgery. I read (the doctor had moved) I rang the number on the note for her and directed her in the right direction. I am still wondering if she understood enough to arrive there successfully!
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