Saturday, 3 August 2013

New Skills

We have acquired an ipad 2 and like all new things it has quickly become our new toy.  I know there are numerous apps which are or will be helpful for Merv.  I had in mind to buy the ipad for sometime, but I was not so eager to part with our savings.  Dustin bought a new laptop with his tax return and mentioned he will be selling his ipad.  A done deal and we are now the owners. 
I searched for new apps and fiddled around before Merv had his first attempt this morning.  We read a Bible devotion before attempting  a word search puzzle together.  We followed with an exploration of the WWF app and a free drawing app.  He used his finger to write my name and add a love heart! 
This afternoon I added a keyboard app and a jigsaw puzzle app which we will have a go with tomorrow.
Merv has never been a 'techno' type person, he had a mobile phone early in the new millennium for a couple of months but later he just left it at home.  The ipad is just a new way to explore the world and have some fun.  Looking for suitable apps is a quest in itself.

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