Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Endorphin Estacy

I scrubbed, washed, cleaned and tidied the house today.  I am not expecting royalty to visit but tomorrow a new support worker is providing a service for Merv.  Maybe he is tall; I cleaned the top of the fridge, maybe he will need to use the mop and bucket if Merv spills something; I cleaned and tidied the laundry.  I tidy and clean the house every week but I was trying a little too hard this week.  I have previously been offered a basic house cleaning service from Merv's agency but I always decline.  I like to do my own cleaning; it makes me responsible and I also know any physical activity gets those endorphins jumping around inside me making me feel less stressed.  House work = less stress.  Not everyone would agree with me, but it works for me.  An hour or two working in the garden gives me the same peace and calm.  My house is clean and tidy.  I smile, I am ready for the new support worker and Merv's 59th birthday tomorrow.

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