Tuesday, 6 March 2018

A Moment in Time

There are numerous times in my life I remember well.  I know where I was when I heard Elvis had died.  I was holding my baby son of only 4 months.  I couldn't believe it was true.  It was long before social media and we relied on radio announcements and breaking news breaks on TV.   I was driving my Mum home when I heard Princess Di had died from a traffic accident.  I was driving in the northern suburbs when I heard Steve Irwin had died  The same goes for  the deaths of both our parents and my brother's little girl who died at eleven.  I remember each moment in time.   Each was a momentous moment.  Fortunately not all moments in time are death related.
I have dates, places and memories of family celebrations and milestones.  Then there is Thursday 1st March 2018.
Merv was in respite in Bunbury when I received the call from the care facility.  I had filled in the paperwork, taken Merv with me during a walk through in January and now after a six week wait a permanent room was being offered to us.
I had imagined the phone call in my head, playing it out with different scenarios.  I had already bullied myself into politely saying, "Yes."
I listened to the spiel of my caller offering the room and then I said, "YES"
Merv came home last Wednesday afternoon from his nine day respite and spent one night at home before driving him to his new home in the care facility on Thursday 1st March.
Did he fully understand when I explained slowly and carefully what was about to happen?  I hope so but I can't be sure.  So far he has accepted his new home is not the one he moved into twelve months ago; the one I live in, the one he no longer does.
My friends said I should be tearful and I wonder if I am bad because I didn't.  I felt relieve that others will share his care and the responsibility which comes with his declining health.
Yes I was relieved.  It doesn't mean I love him less.

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