I wonder what people think of carers sometimes. Do we have it easy or do we have it hard? In many ways it is a bit and a lot of both.
Most of us have done it in the past. Stayed in a job you didn't really enjoy. We stay because it is a job. I remember staying on a teacher's assistant because my long service leave was due the following year and I didn't want to miss out on it. I decided I deserved it. Maybe; maybe not.
Maybe coming out of the winter weather and into a brighter Spring will change me. I love Merv and willingly care for him while I am able. I'm just in a bit of a rut. It's more difficult to get out and about with the limitations of the wheelchair. If the world was flat it would be an easier place to conquer!
As a carer I should be prepared for anything and fit enough to do it. Since moving over seven months ago I've put on five kilos, not a huge amount but I don't seem to be able to shake it off.
I tried before my big 60th to trim down to no avail. I'm trying now but the excess just sits around with me making lewd jokes and swearing never to leave me! If only.
I've tried cutting back, cutting out and even persevered with those damn shakes. Nothing is working.
Today I worked for an hour in the garden and enjoyed a brisk hour walk with Mel by the estuary. Alas By the end of the day I still reach for a glass of red and some tasty cheese. Definitely my un-doing.
I'm a sucker for any fad diet. Write a book, design a funky or totally ridiculous eating plan and I promise I'll buy your book. I might even give it a try after reading the virtues and testimonies inside.
A friend of mine recently told me how her son and his family are having fabulous results on the Primal Diet by Mark Sisson. She explained how Joe had gone from 84kgs to 75kgs. Eagerly she added they were all feeling so well and sleeping like babies. Then to make it even more convincing she added they had stayed for a week or two and enjoyed the food and were also feeling great.
Google showed me all of Mark's books and where I could buy them from. My local bookshop person said they would have to get them from the US. Hmmmm I said.
Then it happened, I closed my iPad shutting Google down. I don't need another diet wonder book or lose weight plan at this time in my life. I just need to look after me and my family (and maybe drink a little less red wine!)
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