Friday, 4 August 2017

Winter Blues

I had a list.  I don't always make a list of what needs to be done but Mel was on hand and I asked her to jot down a list.  It was just one of those dull type of days.  The weather was cloudy, drizzly and chilly.  The list didn't reflect much of any importance - just a list of things which needed to be done.
Then my mobile rang.  I ran to grab it but I was too late, it went to message bank instead. 
There is nothing worse, at least it seems that way at the time of a message received and you don't know who rang or what they want.  I took the bait and listened to my message. 
Thank God I missed the call.  One of my acquaintances, someone I know and meet from time to time wanted to visit me at my house today. 
I looked around at the mess.  Unmade beds, the floors that need the tough touch of my Dyson and maybe a swipe of a mop. Clutter in my kitchen which has also found it's way onto my dining table. I shook my head. The week has been full of sorting out Merv and Mel's community service issues, forms to complete, sign and send.  Phone calls made and people who expect me to chase them up. Most of which is yet undone.
No I don't want any unexpected visitors today thanks.  I just want a day of not much at all. Just to cross off a few items on the day's list on this dull grey day is all I wish to achieve.
I left a message on her phone after I had returned home a few hours later.  I explained that Friday is my day to get out and about while Merv is out enjoying his day centre activity.  I wonder if she will bother to contact me again.  I should care but I don't.  I should make an effort but I know I wont.
When the sun is warmer with the thrill of spring or even when summer shows promise I might ring and suggest she visits.  Or maybe I won't.

Image result for photo of winter in perth
My dull grey day

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