Monday, 15 August 2016

Volleyball Illusions

After my Mother died Merv took thirteen days before he hugged me.  He often says very little.  Mostly he says nothing at all.  He may smile, grunt, groan or nod but language seems to be forgotten.
He never said anything when Damien passed away.  When we visit his sister I smile (very nicely) and suggest he says 'hello' and 'goodbye.'  Otherwise he is mute throughout our visit.
Food is a subject which provokes verbal language in Merv.  Cheesecake, apple pie and scones with jam and cream are what I would term, 'reactive words'.  Say any of these words and you will be greeted with a smile and a big YES. 
But I have been duped.  I found out only this week.  Merv is a big AFL (Aussie footy) fan and enjoys most sports.  The Olympics has us up and ready earlier in the morning while I search the app to find the events we want to watch. 
We both love the swimming, diving, gymnastics, track and field and the list goes on.  Merv is rugged up sitting on his lift chair with his feet up.  I duck in and out of the room while completing daily chores.
Now you might wonder how I have been duped (scammed, tricked, fooled) by my dear husband. This is what happened;  We are sitting at the kitchen table.  He is tucked in on  his disability chair and I am perched on my chair ready to get up at any moment to complete more chores or answer the phone  or whatever.  Suddenly Merv leans over and starts talking.  Yes talking, not slurring.  Talking like he used to as if his disability just went running out the room.  What did he talk about?  Himself?  His family? 
Not on your life.  He started talking about the Australian Women's Olympic Volleyball team.  I am sure he could have told me the names of their families, their day jobs and where they live.  He was suddenly a fountain of information.
I stared at him and simply said; "I don't even like volleyball." (Looking at those skinny girls barely wearing anything while prancing around on the sand has me grabbing the remote to change the program).
Then it was over.  Once again he was mute.  I had lost the moment just because I don't like volleyball.  Surely I could have pretended? 

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