Thursday, 11 February 2016

Respite in Waiting

Its been far too long since I enjoyed respite.  Memories of my month away in England last July are becoming decidedly blurry!  The 304 km walk, was it really a holiday?  Maybe not but it was all in all still respite.  No need to shower Merv daily at 4pm and arriving home three times a week in time for the support worker to leave.  Yes it was still respite.  My five day holiday in Bath (where the Roman's built their hot spring baths) was wonderful.  I enjoyed every moment of my freedom.
I normally have four weeks respite a year.  The first fortnight includes the three night, four day HD Carer's Retreat and then thereafter whatever I have planned.  The second respite is usually booked around October.  In the past it has included oversees adventures or a train trip to Darwin plus a few days enjoying the sun.
Nothing is simple in this world!  Funding which came from Commonwealth Carelink is now dependent on NDIS (a new government disability insurance fund) which funds Merv's community services providing the funding for his April respite.  If not the bill for his respite is over $700 and I haven't budgeted for it as yet.
So far nothing is booked for October this year.  Still waiting to see what will happen with Mel's weight.  Will we be jetting off to Paris or not?  Who knows.  The weight loss is getting more difficult and the more we both stress the more I realise my respite is urgently needed!
In April the annual HD Carer's Retreat happens but it is booked in chalets only three minutes from my house and a holiday doesn't seem like a holiday when its on your doorstep! The day after it finishes  Mel and I are heading by train to Busselton for five wonderful days.  No car, just walking and enjoying life.  Busselton is a laid back beach town 220 kms south of Perth.   I have been there over one hundred times but its a great place to swim, walk and just relax.
Altogether I will have a fortnight of respite.  There is multitude of things still to do at home, including sandpapering peeling paint.  I look at it and consider my options.  I will decide whether to get inspired with paintbrushes and sandpaper closer to the time.  I know if I get it done, done it will be and no longer an eyesore.  Yes I push the thought aside, there is the garden to consider and a whole range of other options. 
I would like to go to the movies and sit right at the back.  I imagine myself climbing every step to the top.  When I take Merv to the movies we take his wheelchair and we take the seats for those with wheelchairs or mobility issues.  I want to feel just like everyone else, even if its just for a short while.  I want to go into the city and see the new Elizabeth Quay everyone is raving about but I will find out if its wheelchair friendly so I can later take Merv there.
My life is about finding out what is and what is not wheelchair accessible.  This Sunday for Valentine's Day Merv and I will go to Sorrento Quay up the coast a bit.  We will take Merv's wheelchair and enjoy morning tea in the Dome Café which overlooks the crowded marina.  Merv will enjoy his apple pie and cream and later we will share fish and chips together and a walk around the quay before heading home.  No cards or chocolate this year.  Maybe he will say Happy Valentine's to me.  Maybe he won't, but we will have a nice time getting out of the house.
Respite is still a few month's off and I wait in anticipation....

 Busselton by the sea

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